We planted a little garden this spring and it is starting to take off. With our yard it is tough to find a sunny area, so we went with the easiest place to plant, which was under our deck. This has made the peas and broccoli a little hit or miss as to how well they are growing. The peas are kinda good while the broccoli is not doing as well.
The really good thing about being under the deck is that I can trellis my hops to the deck above. I have 2 cascade plants, a goldings and a willamette planted. The cascades are growing great and the goldings just started climbing the string 2 days ago. Both the english varients (goldings and willamette) have been slow going though so far.
Overall it is very rewarding to go outside each day and see the progress they have made each day. My son freaked me out by telling me that he saw some deer out sniffing at them last night though. They are not something that deer would want to eat, but then again deer aren't the smartest creatures either.
Here's some pics of my hops. I'll post some more from time to time.