The 25 things application seems FUBAR, so I am posting mine here:
1. I've been shot twice, not bad, just stupid. First time (.22) grazed me between the legs (just missing the boys, thus my children) second time a farmer shot me in the ass with rock salt, very painful.
b. I was arrested for the first time at 15. Once again not bad, just stupid. I was released with no charges.
iii. I hate fads, that's why I resisted this list thing until it had died down somewhat. In keeping with this, I will tag no one in this if the application will allow it. Since it will not, I will tag only my wife. Okay, they are totalitarian in their tagging requirements, so prepare to be tagged dammit!
17. I like to make beer. I am just starting into all-grain brewing.
xiv. I was second in my state and went to nationals for the Citizen's Bee. It's like a spelling bee only with American studies/history questions
d. All the competitions, special tests, contests, etc. that I entered in High School were primarily excuses to get out of class. I just get really competitive once I am actually in one. In the abstract I could usually care less.
8. In spite of being an avid punk/heavy metal/alternative music lover, I like James Taylor's music. I blame my parents
XX. My children are my single proudest achievement in my life
25. I am a liberal democrat but find myself drifting towards libertarianism at times
f. I think every person in America should be required to go to Boot Camp, not necessarily be in the military, God no. The lessons from Boot Camp are life altering (in a good way) however.
1a. I abhor mistreatment of the flag through negligence or apathy, but defend the right to burn the flag as a form of protest. Yes it seems a juxtaposition but really it is about respect. Don't make me knock your hat off when the flag goes by during a parade.
E(b16). I am a member of the American Legion, the American Homebrewers Association, the Democratic party, the RPGA and AMVETS
Twelve. I originally decided to become a dealer (part-time, lol) just to help my poker game. I rarely play anymore.
__. I used to have my own freelance web design business. I find that I tend to dislike clients, so no more of them, thank you.
VII. I was a paid writer for the MMO game Shadowbane as part of the Herald program.
j. I worked for the IGN network for a short time as a paid writer
9. I once did a consultant job in LA for a firm looking to bring Asian MMORPGs to the American market
1101(b2). I love the new Dr. Who (and some of the other BBC scifi series) and am working hard at fostering this in my children. I am only batting .500 so far.
cc. I met my wife on a blind date. I think I used a normal man's lifetime quota of good luck in one day that day.
23 I believe in pretty much everything; ghosts, UFOs, etc. I think people are too easily influenced to believe that they have experienced these things however. I think they are far more rare and have much different explanations than we are coming up with right now. If that doesn't make sense, I don't care because it's my believe not yours.
eighteen. I like odd sounding words and word combinations: Fuck-knuckle, Koumpounophobia, Tristadecaphobia, Irish Wristwatch, etc.
21 I am over half Irish. My mother is 3rd generation full-blooded Irish in America and my father, from what he's said, a very small part Irish. I love the Irish language: Póg ma thoin
xxii. My favorite number is 52. It has been that since I was 6, even before I knew how many cards were in a deck or could play cards.
h. I still carry my lifetime crew member card for USS Constitution and a copy of my DD214 in my wallet to this day.
25 I miss having art in my life. I used to paint and draw a lot and was even thinking about pursuing design/fine arts in college. Life just gets so full sometimes. My one surviving painting hangs above my fireplace now.
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