Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sydney's 5k River Run

My daughter has been participating in Girls on the Run this spring. This is an empowerment program focused on girls and healthy choices. As part of it, they train to run a 5k. Syd enjoyed the fall session so much (even though that 5k was during an ice storm in Dec) that she wanted to do it again this spring.

Today, or yesterday as I finally finish this post, she ran her second 5k. This time they did their 5k during a big event here in town, the annual River Run in Iowa City. It was pretty chilly at 9AM this morning, but all in all it was a nice day to run. Her and her running buddy started off at a decent pace and at an official time of 55 minutes (beating her time from Dec by at least 10 minutes) Syd crossed the finish line. She had a beaming smile that just showed just how proud she was of what she'd accomplished. I have to say that I am too!! Here are some pics from the run:

Starting Line

Finish Line

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