Thursday, May 15, 2008


As soon as I make a post saying I haven't seen any quotes lately, I am sure to run across some, so here goes:

Quotable Rogue-

Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.

Toward no crime have men shown themselves so cold-bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of belief.
-James Russell Lowell

Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.

This week

Overall it's been a great week. Got my stimulus check and was able to buy Heidi a nice Mother's Day present as well as send some flowers to my mom. I however failed once again to get my brother something for his birthday, so I think I will pick something up and send it out as a combo housewarming/birthday present.

It is lilac season here in Iowa, so I went out and picked some for Heidi as I was walking the dog one night. The next day Heidi went and picked a ton more, enough so the whole appt smelled like a lilac thicket. After listening to a podcast about dandelion wine, I checked up on lilac wine. It seemed like a simple enough, though long, process. Needless to say after hours of tedious picking out lilac blossoms, I have just over a gallon of lilac wine starting fermentation right now. It will be a minimum of 6 months before it's ready, but so what, it will be a nice fall/winter treat I hope. I am feeling a lot more confident now that my blonde ale is carbed and pretty darn tasty, if I do say so my self.

Ian had his last eighth grade choir concert this week. I have been proud of his continued interest in music. He has taught himself guitar somewhat, can play piano a little and really does enjoy singing. (He sure doesn't look like he's enjoying himself during the concerts though, LOL.) It was a little bittersweet thinking that this is one more last thing before High School next year. He also got his headgear last week. He hates it, and I can't blame him for that at all. I wouldn't want to wear it either. At least he only has to wear it at night and not to school or out in public.

I am going to dive back into my books. I picked up the Shadow Rising on audiobook/mp3 and a couple WotC books this week.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Next Batch Idea

15A. Porter, Robust Porter Extract
ABV5.3 %

Style Comparison

OG 1.050 1.055 1.065
FG 1.012 1.014 1.016
IBU 25 37 45
35 30+
ABV 4.8 5.3 6
% Weight Weight (lbs) Grain Gravity Points Color
70.6 % 6.60 Amber Malt Extract Syrup 43.2 10.8
5.3 % 0.50 British Black Patent 0.8 52.3
5.3 % 0.50 American Chocolate 0.9 31.8
8.0 % 0.75 American Crystal 40L 1.5 5.5
10.7 % 1.00 Light Dry Malt Extract 8.2 0.4

% Wt Weight (oz) Hop Form AA% AAU Boil Time Utilization IBU
25.0 % 0.50 Simcoe Pellet 12.0 6.0 60 0.045 26.8
50.0 % 1.00 Northern Brewer Pellet 8.0 8.0 15 0.013 10.2
25.0 % 0.50 Cascade Pellet 5.5 2.8 1 0.002 0.4



Friday, May 2, 2008

Botlling Fun

I bottled up the blonde ale tonight. It has turned a little darker over the last week and with the addition of the priming solution, but damn if it didn't taste good. I think the sharpness I had detected earlier this week may be coming off of my testing tube. I added chili peppers to 9 bottles, including one 22 oz. bottle, so well see how that goes. This leaves 34 bottles of non-chili blonde ale. Woohoo!

I really want to make a porter (or a dry stout if not) next but finding Munich extract is next to impossible, and partial mashing at this stage does not sound like something I want to do.

It is just about time to pull my dinner out of the oven, but I saw a good quote today, so I am including it here. Quotable Rogue:

It was beautiful and simple, as truly great swindles are.
- O. Henry


I am on Twitter now as Zalaster, so follow me if you want!