Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I started this blog to get me writing more. I failed to make more than a single blog in November however. I blamed this on NaNoWriMo, and at first that was a good reason. As the month continued though, it was my lack of progress on my novel that kept me from writing even here. I did manage some spits and starts to get about 6 chapters written so far. That is something of an accomplishment, though far less than I had set out for.

For the New Year, I am going to make dual resolutions. If you know me, you know I take these seriously. I quit tobacco cold turkey on a resolution. I went on atkins and lost over 100 pounds on a resolution, so I know I can do things if I truly set myself to them. I will do the following: Stick to a workout regimen, Continue my writing.

Those are pretty nebulous. I am going to see the fitness folks at work and sign up for the new incentive plan. That will give me concrete criteria to meet. In my writing, I will get 3000 words a week. That sounds pretty paltry, but I am not a full time writer, I have 8 hours of work, my new workouts, kids, etc. I think that sounds like a reasonable weekly goal. Ideally this will allow me to finish my novel, but a short story or two a month is cool too.

Awesome day today at work. Major tipping on the craps table, not to mention I got to sit box all day. On the other hand, I have definitely gained weight. My uniforms are getting tight and not so comfortable. After dinner tomorrow night, back on the diet for real.

No quotable rogues over that last few days... ttfn

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